Why to Choose Air Hostess as a Career

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Flight attendants are part of the flight crew who take care of the comfort and safety of their passengers. Women are very much present in this field, but recently some men have shown an interest in this field.

What are the advantages of being a flight attendant?

Flight attendant is considered one of the most prestigious professions in the world. Their work has nothing to do with desks, desks, and 9 to 5 hour schedules. With enough experience, they will be able to do international flights where they can travel around the world all the time.
Pays quite well compared to other office jobs. Entry for domestic flights may not be so good. But with international flights, the salaries of senior flight attendants will increase significantly.
The experience of traveling to different parts of the world and getting paid to do so is an important perk of the job.
They can stay and enjoy expensive hotels with free food in between flights, contributing to the airline you work for.
Communicating with different people from different regions including celebrities, athletes, VIP guests, business moguls will help you to increase your general knowledge and interpersonal communication skills multiplied by each other without any other work.
After a long flight to an international destination, they will have time before their next flight. The air hostesses can use it to rest and then explore the city, try strange foods and get in touch with different cultures, which is a very nice perk without having to work. Any office can.
Air Hostess may earn airline credits and discounts based on their years of experience with a particular airline, which you can use for your personal travel.
They can get good health insurance due to their exposure to different climates for a limited period of time.
How to become a flight attendant?

Certain qualifications and qualifications are required to become a flight attendant. We will go one by one with all the necessary qualifications.

Desired traits:
The most important trait is politeness. Passengers vary from perseverance to arrogance to depression. But the anus is not patient with everyone and has a beautiful smile to go. Communication skills is another important aspect of becoming a cool anal. They must have a liquid conversation with passengers. They must speak English fluently, Hindi and some other foreign languages ​​too.

Fitness is required as they will help passengers keep carry-on luggage in the overhead storage compartment.
Eye-motor coordination is essential. Flight attendants have to bring food and drinks to passengers mid-flight, so they need to coordinate smoothly, not be clumsy and be elegant in everything.
Patience is another important trait to have. They must patiently explain security procedures to passengers, clarify any doubts they raise, and must be able to assuage anxious passengers to make their journey enjoyable.
Able to work long hours. The most important fact when working for international flights is that long hours and jet lag will cause flight delays. But they must adapt to these conditions and not be irritable with passengers.
The responsibility for safe travel lies with the pilot, but the responsibility for the mental health of the passengers during the journey rests with the flight attendant. They must ensure that passengers feel safe, worry-free, well-nourished and comfortable at all times.
Flight attendants must be properly trained in first aid and CPR. They will be able to use CPR to revive a patient’s heart in the event of a heart attack before the flight lands at the nearest airport. The
flight attendant must be a team player. They must coordinate with the pilot and co-pilot in case of emergency and stormy weather.
They need a good presence mind. In an emergency, they should not panic. They must explain safety procedures to passengers, stay calm and force them to fasten their seat belts and put on oxygen masks if necessary.
They must be independent. Since flight attendants are constantly traveling around the world, they have to travel on their own, enjoy their own jobs, and prepare to be away from family and friends for a very long time.
They need a cheerful attitude. Female flight attendants do not usually do not have enough space in flights and have to share limited space with their colleagues. So enough rest is not existent. It will run out and grumpy. But always, they have to be polite and calm while manipulating passengers.

Choose the best AirHostest Institute for a better career.
Physical and medical qualifications:
years of candidates should be between 17 and 26 years old.
The minimum height required is 5.2 “or 157cm (for women) and 170cm (for men).
Weight must match the height.
Skin should be deleted from acne and right It is clear and fair skin.
candidates must be strong because they will suffer strong luggage and without anemia.
The applicant must have normal 6/9 vision.
Applicants must not have serious medical conditions such as heart disease, asthma, etc.,
Applicants must have no history of mental illness such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, etc.,
According to airline companies, there are a provision that the applicant must also be single.
Indian Government Passport Requirements.
Candidates must be in perfect health as they will be subjected to pressurized cabin recirculation and irregular sleep in confined spaces.
The applicant must be drug and alcohol free as they must be alcohol free 12 hours prior to the scheduled flight and they are also not allowed to drink during the flight.
Visible tattoos are discouraged and may even cause you to be rejected.
Competitors must demonstrate a high standard of personal care and hygiene with proper use of cosmetics.

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